Social Justice

According to the January 2009 Phyllis Schlafly report, social justice is a synonym for anti-Americanism.  I had the opportunity to witness this reality during the past autumn, when one of my high school English students entered an essay for an English competition, in which pupils from various schools presented their essays, poetry, and nonfiction works dealing with the theme of social justice.

I left the day amazed at the venom that spewed forth from various of these high schoolers' works, realizing that the source of such bitterness was found in the education they receive.   One young man from an inner-city school demonstrated his hatred for America as he carelessly began a poem he had written: "I'm tired of hearin' 'bout freedom from white teachers who teach me 'bout slave holders like Jefferson and George Washington."  His poem clearly reflected a frustration over the white-black relations of America's past and said nothing of the sacrifice of former presidents Washington and Jefferson, who contributed enormously to our nation's ideological and expiatory past.

Former terrorist William Ayers is responsible for promoting the themes of the supposed social justice, Schlaffey explains.  Since 1998, he has propagated his doctrine through curricula of which he is the author.  Ironically, the Americans of yesterday believed, as some of the one-room school teachers wrote on their black boards throughout the country: "The last 4 letters of America are "I can," not "I can't."  In contrast, social justice is a fancy term for the victimization of Americans, the unearthing of and focusing on every problem of our history, the intense curriculum bias dedicated to such propaganda.  The eternal reality, however, as found in God's Word is:  We are receivers of immense blessings and privileges at the hand of Almighty God.  We are not victims.  We are one race--the human race.  We are owed nothing but eternal damnation in Hell.  And the list could continue.

As I considered this area in which educators are now receiving training and interweaving themes within their lesson plans of mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts, I considered a true violation of social justice.  One man deserved blessings but got doom.  One man never sinned but was cursed for the evil deeds of every person who ever lived.  One man, the God-Man Jesus Christ, went homeless, though He had created all things and by Him "all things consist" (Colossians 1:18).  If anyone is looking for a victim, a true victim, they need find term personified in Jesus Christ, who was "despised and rejected of men" (Isaiah 53:3).  Although He created all and says, "The very hairs of your head are all numbered," (Matthew 10:30) He was mocked and spit upon, beaten, and cruelly hung on a cross.  God loved the world and sent Christ as a gift, but Jesus Christ, the God-Man was clearly discriminated against.  

Social justice as it exists in the curriculum of American schools is a farce.  

Social justice as it exists in the pages of Scripture is reality.    
