‘Be anxious for nothing,”
God says unto thee;
“Consider the lilies
Blooming bounteously;
Look close at the flowers
Of richest design;
Shall He not clothe you then?
Oh, why do you pine?”
“Take no thought to worry,”
See birds in the sky;
The robin’s no farmer;
Sparrows own no scythe,
But God watches oe’r them,
And feedeth them, too.
Shall He not provide, then,
For children like you?
Oh, seek things eternal:
The Kingdom of God.
Store treasures forever
In Heaven above.
Obey God, and serve Him
With all of your heart;
His grace to you surely
Then He shall impart.
These glorious riches
Are pearls of great price,
And crowns to give Jesus
In His Paradise;
Rubies of His Wisdom
Bequeathed from His Word
Bring praise from our Savior,
The crucified Lord.