God’s Spirit, Your Guide into the Land of Grace*

When you came to Christ at salvation, you received a new brand of living. No natural wonder of the world can compare to its magnificence. No glorious space in a mansion’s interior can rival its beauty. You’ve never heard music more glorious than this, never lent your ear to a tale more breath-taking, more awe-inspiring than this.


It’s a bit like a secret, birthed in the heart of God for believers. 


You really have no idea how grand this plan is—because God, the Master Designer of the Universe—has gone to work crafting glorious things for you.


The word universe itself testifies to creation. It means “one word,” for in a word God spoke, and it was created.  Oh, consider! The same One who designed microscopic diatoms in the world’s oceans, who spoke the world into existence—also has a plan prepared for you.

A centric diatom

Do you see it?  Or is the world about you filled with so much sin, sadness, and decay that you can’t seem to focus your eyes upon His glory?    


May I let you in on a secret? 

If you’re saved, you have a Guide into these wonders, and He is ever present in your heart! This Guide makes a thorough investigation of all things. He plummets the depths of God’s glories and makes them accessible to you.


You, my dear friend, have been freely given so much! Behold this abundance! Gaze with wonder upon this wealth, this treasure! Consider the riches with which you are endowed because of your relationship with God!


Now if you spend your time seeking worldly fame and fortune, you may not experience the glorious vision the Spirit offers. God tells us plainly this Spirit is not in the world but is sourced only in God, given to His own at salvation. 


Consider the message of 1Cor. 2:12--

“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.” 


A panorama in the Colorado Rockies

A life of abundance encompasses the believer! And yet, how often do we live as if this ideal is but a dream, a fantasy, a fiction? With faith’s eyes, my friend, you can behold the things freely given you by grace!


Recently, believers have flooded Djibo, in the northern part of Burkina Faso. They forage for leaves to survive. War-weary and battle-torn, Djibo has provided refuge for “tens of thousands of internally displaced people, (IDPs), many of them surviving Christians.”[1]


The world over, physical destitution and poverty exists for many followers of Jesus, particularly in countries undergoing siege by militants.  And yet, all true believers among these persecuted ones are graced with the magnificent vistas provided by grace!


Near our home, several mountain climbs offer panoramic views of the city. After ascending hundreds of steps or climbing winding trails, we arrive at the vista point. Up there, above it all, the world below seems so small--the cars, the houses, the clusters of shops, the miniature people walking to and fro. We gaze down upon magnificent redwoods and notice as hawks careen past. While we make those treks occasionally, yet daily we can climb up into our High Tower and take refuge there.


God’s Holy Spirit grants us such breathtaking 
panoramas as we behold Christ in the Word!

And yet, how often does the Word get crowded out of our lives? 

Oh, my friend, will you let the Spirit be your tour guide today? Will you take God’s Word and behold the view of life your Guide offers you? Will you spend time there? As you embrace Christ’s precious promises, you can be filled with all joy and peace and believing. You can abound in the hope that is yours--because of Grace! (See Romans 15:13.)


Perhaps about you, your situation looks as bleak as ever. However, as your perspective transforms, you will begin to see abundance all about you!


Embrace this vision of Grace!

Oh, what a vista it is!


*Reflections on I Corinthians 2 with I Corinthians 3:18

[1] Barnabus Aid. Praying for the Suffering Church, 2024-2025, p. 6.
